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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 5, Number 4, Year 2017

Author(s): Ciprian Ionel Hretcanu
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2017.542
Abstract: In this paper we will present the importance of business networks within the current economy and we will point out that, in the face of fierce competition, cooperation between various business entities is needed. This new type of business as a business network determines that the companies involved retain their autonomy but at the same time have a degree of interdependence and cooperate with each other. In the second part of the article we will give some examples of business networks to highlight the specificity of a network set up by firms and the benefits this business brings to all participating firms.
Keywords: Business Networks, Networking, Business Groups, Cooperation, Interdependence, Interrelation
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Articole Din Jurnale
16. Vitali S., Glattfelder J. B., Battiston S. - The Network Of Global Corporate Control, PLoS ONE, Vol.6, Issue 10, Public Library Of Science, 2011.

Articole Din Volumele Conferin?elor
17. Hretcanu C.I., The Holonic Architecture Of Business Organizations With Applications To Food Industry, Scientific Papers-Animal Science Series: Lucr?ri ?tiin?ifice - Seria Zootehnie, Vol. 63(20), ISSN 1454-7368, 2015, Pp.214 – 220.

Resurse Internet
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