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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 5, Number 4, Year 2017

Author(s): Camelia Catalina Mihalciuc, Raluca Steclaru
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2017.544
Abstract: The need for capital, financing is one of the most important problems faced by any economic agent - from the smallest trading companies to banks and multinationals, and even states as distinct entities. The first option of an entity that is aware of the need for funding is the use of the local market, mostly through bank loans. But with the tightening of banks' credit conditions for companies, many companies have begun to reorient themselves to other modern finance products that can provide them with the cash needed to carry out their business. In this paper, we will try to conduct a factoring analysis of the factoring operation in a construction company choosing this sector of activity, because in Romania the constructions are presented as the market leader in accessing factoring as a way of financing. The main issues to be addressed in this case study will be: the rentability of the factoring operation, the cost of the factoring operation, the accounting of the main factoring operations, as well as the advantages and disadvantages arising from such a factoring operation.
Keywords: Factoring Operation, The Rentability Of The Factoring Operation, The Cost Of The Factoring Operation
C?r?i ?i Capitole Din C?r?i
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3. Hlaciuc, E., Mihalciuc, C. C. (2008), Organizarea Contabilit??ii Financiare A Entit??ilor Economice: Abord?ri Teoretice ?i Aplicative Conforme Cu Prevederile OMFP 2374/2007 ?i Standardele Interna?ionale De Contabilitate, Editura Didactic? ?i Pedagogic?, Bucure?ti.
4. Popa, I. (2008), Tehnica Opera?iunilor De Comer? Exterior, Editura Economic?, Bucure?ti.
5. Rentrop & Straton (2014), Marea Carte Verde A Monografiilor Contabile 2014, Editura Rentrop & Straton, Bucure?ti.
Articole Din Jurnale/ Volumele Conferin?elor
6. Oprean, D. (2015), „Factoringul – Form? Modern? De Comer?”, Revista Finan?e Publice ?i Contabilitate, Nr. 9/2015.
7. Legea Nr. 246/2009 Pentru Abrogarea Legii Nr. 469/2002 Privind Unele M?suri Pentru înt?rirea Disciplinei Contractuale.
8. Standardele Interna?ionale De Raportare Financiar? (IFRS) (2015), Consiliul Pentru Standarde Interna?ionale De Raportare Financiar? (IASB), Traducere CECCAR, Bucure?ti.
Resurse Web
9. The Ultimate Guide To Invoice Factoring, Disponibil La Http:// (data Acces?rii 19.04.2017).
10. Http:// 2016-in-ce-categorie-te-incadrezi (data Acces?rii 02.07.2017).
11. Https:// (data Acces?rii 02.07.2017).
12. Http:// (data Acces?rii 02.07.2017).
13. Factoring, Alternativ? La Metodele Clasice De Finan?are, Disponibil La Http:// (data Acces?rii 03.07.2017).
14. Http:// (data Acces?rii 03.07.2017).
15. Http://, Data Acces?rii 19.04.2017).
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