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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 5, Number 4, Year 2017

Author(s): Daniela Neamtu
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2017.545
Abstract: University marketing is of special importance for ensuring the survival of universities in a competitive environment, in the post-modern society. Thus, higher education institutions are becoming the main actors on the immense scene of humanity, which by using marketing in the current work, by implementing its principles and functions, can play the role of moderator among those willing to specialize, to benefit of highly qualified and capable staff for successfully carrying out certain increasingly complex business activities. Placing the center of gravity on education as a priority domain in making social, technological and economic transformations within the modern society means not only a paradigm shift but a challenge for education systems to identify the resources needed for change and to ensure the sustainable development of society. The problem of increasing the capacity of human resources is progressively advancing, through the transition from education based mainly on knowledge to the education that emphasizes the ability to capitalize on knowledge in new contexts. The general object of the study is the identification of marketing particularities in higher education, as well as the main correlations and links between the elements specific to the university marketing and some particularities on the consumer behavior - the student. Taken together, the above mentioned are arguments for ascertainment that the educational phenomenon and act are to be restored on new bases, focused on the marketing optics, which implies the development of policies and strategies oriented towards the knowledge/anticipation of the need for education and towards the performances achievement. This finding determined the research problem identification: substantiating and elaborating the concept of educational marketing, evolutionary and customer centered, with a large axiological load, which determines a new vision on the development of contemporary education in a socio-economical and pedagogical context oriented towards market.
Keywords: Marketing, Educational Marketing, University, Social-economic Development, Strategies, Higher Education
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