ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 11, Number 2, Year 2023FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS IN MOROCCO: THE SELF STORY BEHIND THE RESILIENT ACTIONS |  Download | Author(s): Zakaria Aittaleb, Mounia El Farouki, Hind Berrada, Sarah Najid | DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2023.11212 | | Abstract: According to Boris Cyrulnik (2016) resilience is the process through which a human being resumes his neo-development after a traumatic event. In fact, his 2016 research suggests that the manner of speaking modifies the functioning of the brain. Also, he argues that a decisive factor in reinforcing resilience is the "self story". He considered that when an injured person is surrounded and tries to tell a story to a person who makes him feel secure, he develops the representation of his misfortune. This is why it is also important to act on cultural narratives, so as to reintegrate the traumatized into their cultural context. Paul Ricoeur (1996) had also affirmed that the identity is only a story. He can assert himself by learning to tell his story and by comparing to the others. The inequality between the percentage of men and women entrepreneurs in Morocco, a question about the nature of the obstacles encountered by the latter arises. A survey conducted by the association of women entrepreneurs in Morocco (AFEM) and the CGEM of a sample of 579 women entrepreneurs shows the type of Moroccan women entrepreneurs but also the difficulties encountered by this category, they face administrative problems, followed by financial difficulties, training problems particularly for technical concepts, not to mention problems related to social constraints and the status of Moroccan women in general. Therefore, this research aims to understand how the "self story" reinforces the resilience among the female entrepreneurs who overcome such difficulties. This article aims to study the individual's resilience behavior of women entrepreneurs of small and medium sized businesses in Morocco during crisis situation. We will explore this general question through the life stories of ten Moroccan female entrepreneurs. This study uses qualitative methods for gathering and analyzes the data and provides an insight about the challenges the female entrepreneurs face in Morocco and the support system that reinforces their resilience regarding that. | Keywords: Psychological Resilience; Emotional Resilience; Entrepreneurship; Woman Entrepreneur; SMEs. | References: 1. Al-Tit, A. A., Al-Mahmood, S. S., & Al-Hassan, R. A. (2021). Psychological Resilience, Work-family Conflict, And Career Success Among Female Entrepreneurs In Saudi Arabia. Journal Of Business Research, 133, 656-666. Https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.03.043.
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