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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 3, Number 1, Year 2015

Author(s): Rodica Cusmaunsa, Julia Rachier, Mihaela Antonciuc
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2015.315
Abstract: In condition which requires a 'modernization' of the field accounting in Moldova, the authors will try to analyze the material support in terms of new accounting rules, which will come into force without fail since 01.01.2015. We will also make a parallel, at the theoretical level, between Moldova and Romania, regarding the material support provided by managers to their employees. The purpose of this work is to determine what the material support is, how it is reflected in the accounts and how the health insurance and social assurance contributions are calculated. Also, another goal is to make difference between it and the salary, donations and facilities provided by the employer.
Keywords: Material Support, Contributions For Health Insurance, Social Assurance, Income Tax, Donations, Facilities Provided By The Employer, Salary.
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