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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 11, Number 2, Year 2023

Author(s): Sorinel Toderas Siretean, Mihaela Tulvinschi, Anatol Melega
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2023.11215
Abstract: In a world where the demands of the healthcare sector are evolving rapidly, revenue efficiencies in healthcare facilities are becoming increasingly crucial. Effective revenue management not only ensures the financial sustainability of hospitals, but also plays a key role in improving the quality of care provided. The aim of this study is to conduct an econometric analysis of managerial performance as a function of revenue in Romanian hospitals. The objectives set for the study on revenues in health units are: O1 - To conduct a comprehensive literature review, through a detailed examination of relevant academic papers and case studies to identify current trends and research prospects related to revenue in the hospital sector; O2 - To develop an econometric model for assessing revenue trends, which will analyze and predict revenue trends in health units. The model uses relevant real data to generate accurate forecasts and provides a solid basis for strategic decision making in the sector; O3 - Study the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospitals in Romania, assessing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on the Romanian hospital system. The study will examine changes in hospital revenues, operational adaptations, and financial challenges faced during the pandemic, providing a comprehensive perspective on the resilience and adaptability of the health system in the face of a global crisis.
Keywords: Hospital Performance; Revenue; Revenue Trend.
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