ISSN: 2344 - 102X
ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 4, Number 2, Year 2016ASPECTS RELATED TO THE BALANCE OF THE PUBLIC PENSION FUND IN ROMANIA | Download | Author(s): Gheorghe Morosan | DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2016.425 | | Abstract: The issue of pensions and social security system is particularly important in Romania and in the European Union. The incoherent politics conducted over time by the governing political parties made the balance of the pension funds that cover an important category of the population - the elderly, even more fragile. A series of factors not necessarily related to social policies conducted by countries have a strong impact on the sustainability of the pension system. We hereby refer to the demographic factors, the dependency ratio, the unemployment rate and the average guaranteed net salaries. Among the incoherent policies conducted by the state we mention the change of the retirement age, the disrespect of the principle of contribution and the existence of special pensions, the faulty indexing of pensions, the fight against tax evasion in the field. The result is an imbalanced pension fund and the need to cover the pension fund by other taxes and duties. This imbalance cannot exist on long term, the credibility of the system being put in danger. Thus, there would be appropriate to take emergency measures including encouraging the development of voluntary pension system, the flexibility of the labour market and not at last a demographic policy focused on increasing the birth-rate. | Keywords: Public Pensions, State Social Security, Pension Fund, Dependency Ratio | References: 1. Ciuma? C., V?idean V.L., (2011), Protec?ie ?i Asigur?ri Sociale, Editura Todesco, Cluj-Napoca;
2. Ghe??u V., (2007), Declinul Demografic ?i Viitorul Popula?iei României. O Perspectivă Din Anul 2007 Asupra Popula?iei României în Secolul 21,Editura Alpha MDN, Buz?u, România;
3. Law No.263/2010 Privind Sistemul Unitar De Pensii Publice
4. Pan? M., Dinspre Bismarck Spre Bevridge: Reducerea CAS, Efectul Asupra Pensiilor ?i Compara?ia Cu Europa, Http://, 16.06.2014 [accessed At 02.feb.2016];
5. Consiliul Fiscal, Raport Annual 2014, [accessed At 02.feb.2016];
6. Https: / / / - Statistical Yearbook, 2014-2015 [accessed At 02.feb.2016];
7. Http:// - Statistical Bulletin On Labor And Social Protection, 2001-2015 [accessed At 02.feb.2016];
8. Http://, Raport Privind Incluziunea Social? în România în Anul 2013, [accessed At 02.feb.2016].
9. Http:// - Development Of National Pension System From 1990 To 2013, [accessed At 02.feb.2016].
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