ISSN: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 9, Number 3, Year 2021FRONTIERS OF LAW.THE POWER OF INFORMATION |  Download | Author(s): Rafal Blicharz, Dan Li | DOI: 104316/EJAFB.2021.9313 | | Abstract: Nowadays, the issue of information overload is closely related to the problem of information credibility. The aim of the paper is to underline the specific of information during ages and they show how it changed human behavior, needs, possibilities as also how the progress in collecting information push up the development of the civilization. The study emphasize the observations concerning media, state or local authorities and companies actions and high technology emphasizing collecting data and transfers of them. | Keywords: Collecting And Transferring Information; Media; Information Credibility; Local And State Authorities | References: 1. Aleksandrowicz, M., Andruszkiewicz, M., Breczko, A., & Oliwniak, S. (Eds.). (2017). Demokracja Teoria Prawa S?downictwo Konstytucyjne: Ksi?ga Jubileuszowa Dedykowana Profesorowi Zw. Nauk Prawnych Adamowi Jamrozowi Z Okazji Pi??dziesi?ciolecia Pracy Zawodowej (Vol. 1). Wydawnictwo Temida 2.
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