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Article from Volume 9, Number 3, Year 2021SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE OF COMPANIES LISTED ON THE BSE FROM THE FARMA INDUSTRY |  Download | Author(s): Camelia - Catalina Mihalciuc, Maria Grosu | DOI: 104316/EJAFB.2021.9314 | | Abstract: Performance encompasses skills that allow for openness to resources, destinations, and optimal use of those resources, to justify the benefits of negotiating sustainable development. Therefore, the adoption of sustainability programs can be an opportunity for companies to improve their relationships with stakeholders by increasing trust, gaining easier access to resources, with beneficial consequences for the overall performance of the company. For companies listed on the stock market, the index that presents the level of sustainability is a representative one, the measurement of sustainability effort being the order of the day, especially when we refer to the evolution of shares listed on the stock exchange. Through this paper, the authors conducted a study on companies in the pharma industry, listed on the Romanian capital market, in terms of their sustainable performance, choosing from the 7 companies on BSE, only 3, which have as main field of pharmaceutical production. From the analysis, relevant information on the stock market performance of pharma companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange could be presented, as well as the essential aspects that lead to ensuring the sustainable performance of these companies, through the sustainable development objectives found in the Sustainability Reports. Sustainability in general is an essential opportunity to condition performance in a broader sense, in the medium term, performance can be treated both as an objective and as a condition of economic survival. | Keywords: Sustainable Development; Listed Companies, Pharma Industry; Global Performance; Stock Market Performance; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). | References: 1. Abubakar, I.R. (2017). Access To Sanitation Facilities Among Nigerian Households: Determinants And Sustainability Implications. College Of Architecture And Planning, University Of Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Sustainability, 9(4), 547.
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