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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 11, Number 3, Year 2023

Author(s): Rozalia Kicsi, Aurel Burciu, Denisa Chifan, Beatrice Ipsalat, Iulia Burlac
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2023.11315
Abstract: As knowledge is increasingly valued as a core/critical asset for business organizations in the post-industrial society, there is a growing interest in integrating knowledge management solutions into corporate processes. Thus, these topics have also entered the horizon of theoretical/empirical reflection, leading to the shaping of a research area in search of its own identity and physiognomy. In this context, the aim of this paper is to map and explore, through a systematic approach, the intellectual and conceptual developments in the area of knowledge management employing scientometric techniques. Unlike other studies of this kind, bibliometric tools are used to systematically capture recent contributions/developments in this research area, as well as thematic developments across time frames, without focusing on the reporting and interpretation of scientometric indicators. Beyond the inherent limitations, our paper brings theoretical implications in terms of mapping thematic developments and revealing new research niches. In addition, the analysis of the most relevant scientific contributions entails managerial implications for business organizations in terms of the solutions they may provide.
Keywords: Knowledge; Knowledge Management; Science Mapping; Bibliometric Research; Systematic Review.
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