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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 11, Number 3, Year 2023

Author(s): Anisoara Apetri
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2023.11319
Abstract: Access to funding sources is becoming increasingly difficult as companies seek to identify and choose the most advantageous financing options in the midst of multiple crises. This paper focuses on the importance of exogenous financing sources and the role of the financial system in ensuring long-term economic growth. Following the scientific research carried out, it was found that the main source of exogenous financing for Romanian firms is bank credit. As for leasing, it has developed a lot recently, ranking second after bank loans in the top preferences of Romanian firms. In the context of the globalisation of the world economy and the development of capital markets, exogenous financing through factoring operations is another financing method preferred by more and more firms.
Keywords: Exogenous Financing; Bank Credit; Binding Credit; Factoring; Multiple Crises.
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