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ISSN: 2344 - 102X

ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X


Article from Volume 11, Number 3, Year 2023

Author(s): Marius - Sorin Ciubotariu, Adina - Cosmina Racolciuc
DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2023.1133
Abstract: Economic crime is an evolving problem, adapting to the most modern dimensions and forms in a society marked by connectivity and dynamism. This paradigm shift in the global economy brings with it both undeniable benefits and significant challenges. National economies and businesses are becoming more exposed to new threats as technological innovation advances and global communication becomes vital, putting them in an unstable position. Therefore, neither traditional nor geographical boundaries apply to the phenomenon of economic crime. On the contrary, it has become a significant problem with devastating consequences for institutional integrity, market stability and sustainable development. Since the study can no longer be limited to the analysis of individual events, it is necessary to analyse the links between technology, economics, law and human behaviour. This requires an in-depth analysis of the phenomenon of economic crime. In order to better understand issues related to economic crime and to address present and future challenges, we aim to identify and map key existing areas of economic crime research, as well as to highlight developments and trends in studies over a long period of time, from 1975 to 2022.
Keywords: Criminal Aspects; Criminal Behaviour; Corporate Crime; Economic Crime; Economic Crime; Psychological Influences; White Collar Crime.
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