ISSN: 2344 - 102X
ISSN-L: 2344 - 102X
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Article from Volume 2, Number 2, Year 2014ROMANIAN REGULATIONS IMPACT ON THE HUMAN RIGHT TO A HEALTHY, PROSPEROUS AND ECOLOGICALLY BALANCED ENVIRONMENT | Download | Author(s): Elena Iftime | DOI: 10.4316/EJAFB.2014.225 | | Abstract: The topic that we are discussing in this study addresses to a scientific area of a great complexity, timeless, namely human rights. We insist particularly upon the human right to a healthy, prosperous and ecologically balanced environment. It is a right with a tremendous impact on life, health, equilibrium and on the sustainable development of the human community, seen in its two dimensions: the collective dimension (global) and the individual dimension related to each and every human being on the planet. We place our approach in the context of a more general legal framework of the human rights which was molded in time on three generations of human rights, the actual right under discussion belonging to the third generation. These are rights of human solidarity with a force of expression and a special physiognomy, because are training the efficient cooperation of the states and of the persons to whom these are addressed to, for giving shape and meaning to the individual-community relations which arise and evolve in the contemporary world. Through the light of the proposed objectives, we aim the consecration in legal terms and the exercise of the human rights to a healthy environment as it appears in the light of recent Romanian regulations, doctrinal debates and solutions of the judicial practice. When appropriate, we make referrals also to the regulations of international law (traditional) or to the norms of Community law to which the Romanian regulations are in harmony. | Keywords: Human Right, Romanian Regulation, Sustainable Development | References: 1. Fainisi F., Dreptul Mediului, Editura Pinguin Book, Bucuresti, 2005, Pp.10
2. Iftime E. Teoria Generala A Dreptului, Editura Didactica Si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 2013, Pp.72-73
3. Iftime E., Dimensiunea Juridica A Raspunderii Sociale, In Teoria Generala A Dreptului, Editura Didactica Si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, 2013, Pp.261.
4. Marinescu D., Tratat De Dreptul Mediului. Ed. A IV-a Edit. Universul Juridic, Bucuresti 2010, Pp.276
5. Teodoroiu S.M., Raspunderea Civila Pentru Dauna Ecologica, Edit. Lumina Lex. Buc. 2003.,pp.11. |  
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